1% for the Planet
As shared in our blog post, Putting the planet first, Just Mystic is a member of 1% for the Planet. Our commitment to this cause is one of our core ethical commitments, connected to our deepest values.
1% for the Planet, founded in 2002 by Patagonia creator, Ivon Choinard, has the mission to “bring dollars and doers together to accelerate smart environmental giving.”
We believe in this mission, and moreover, we’re enabling this mission by choosing to give our resources to regenerative ocean initiatives. Specifically, we’re giving our resources to GreenWave, which was founded in 2016 by Bren Smith.
GreenWave’s mission is to "train a new generation of restorative ocean farmers and build the foundation for a new blue-green ocean economy that creates jobs, mitigates climate change and grows healthy food for local communities." And right here in our own backyard, in Stonington, we have pioneering ocean farms, such as Stonington Kelp Co., which went through GreenWave's training.
Thus, with tremendous enthusiasm, we support GreenWave's mission, and Just Mystic, while being an apparel brand that requires the consumption of materials, can and will take steps to do what’s right for the world, what’s right for our environment and collective health. We will choose fabrics and packaging with recycled materials. We will seek transparency in our supply chain. And perhaps most significantly, we will give resources to the organizations that are directly creating a greener future. To be more precise, we will give 1% of our annual sales to GreenWave. That is our 1% for the Planet commitment. Certainly no less and hopefully much more.