Just Mystic Editorial
A Message from the Founders of Just Mystic
A Message from the Founders of Just Mystic
Just Mystic's Annual Thank-You Message to Customers
Dear Friends,
My sister and I founded Just Mystic a little over a year ago, so this feels like the right time to start a new tradition – an annual thank-you message to our customers.
Whether you’ve been with us since day one, from our pop-up on Water Street to our retail store on Main, or you just bought our holiday tugboat tee online today, we are so grateful for your support.
This is a journey, and you’re on it. For as long as you’re cruising with us, we promise to adhere to the values we laid down from the start, namely quality (designs, materials, customer service), experimentation, and philanthropy.
With these values in mind, here’s what we accomplished and what’s coming up in 2023. We think you’ll see that these values are threaded through our past, present and future.
What did we do in the last year?
- We opened a retail store! Quite an upgrade from a pop-up shop aka a tent :) The retail store allowed us to put a more stable foundation under the business, literally and figuratively, and one that enabled us to experiment with new designs, styles, and product mixes.
- We served 5,000+ customers…seriously! Amanda and/or I also communicated either in person or online with >90% of you. This has been deeply fulfilling and insightful. The quality of your experience with us has been one of our centermost thoughts.
- We provided apparel design, production, and distribution services to a local marine science education nonprofit, and we did so at-cost, or in some cases, pro bono. We love supporting the community, especially through nonprofit organizations. The project was another opportunity to experiment with other ways to operate our business and create value.
That’s a very, very short list, but let’s jump to what’s coming up in the next year…
- We’re making our first annual donation to GreenWave. For context, as a member of 1% for the Planet, we’re committed to giving 1% of our annual sales to a nonprofit in the 1% for the Planet network. GreenWave, based in New Haven, builds ocean farms. As a coastal brand, we love that! And it’s no small thing for a new business like ours to be giving back a portion of our sales in our first year. We’re excited to further GreenWave’s mission.
- We’re renovating our store! This is an important project and investment, largely because it’s an opportunity to improve the experience of every person who walks through our doors or merely passes by.
- We’re expanding and improving the quality of our production network. In the crawl-walk-run framework, we’re on our way to walking (assertively).
That’s a snippet of the journey right there. Thanks for being with us.
If you want to support us further, here are three quick ways to help:
- Follow @justmysticshop on IG
- Leave us a review on Google
- Shop our gear (or email/DM us what you’d love to see someone design)
Feel free to reach out to us. We’ll do our best to respond in 24-48 hours.
Happy holidays,